
New Feature: Edit Photos

A daily report for construction is never complete without photos. Jobsite photos truly are worth a thousand words, and yet, the notes that accompany those photos are often just as important. Today, we’re excited to announce that the notes and photos section of CrewTracks now includes the ability to draw on a photo as well as add text directly to the photo. The following video will give you the basics about this new feature, and if you’d like to learn a bit more, the second video will get into some of the more advanced features.

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CrewTracks at The Utility Expo

In just a few short weeks, two of our account managers will be representing CrewTracks at the Utility Expo in Louisville, Kentucky. We are so excited to travel to this event and make new connections, great friendships, and create strong partnerships.

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"We chose CrewTracks for the software and the people."

Michele Farinaccio,
Eagle Scaffolding Services, Inc.

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