We’ve just released an update to our iOS app. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get to it!
Minimum Lunch Time Setting
This setting can be found in Organization Settings, Crews, and Schedules. It allows you to set two thresholds: minimum lunch time and a minimum shift time. If enabled, a schedule cannot be submitted if users who work over the minimum shift time do not have a certain amount of lunch set.
Supervisors Can See All Schedules
This setting must be activated by a CrewTracks employee – just let us know if you want to use it. We plan to improve this feature in the future; here’s how it works now: when enabled this feature allows supervisors to see ALL schedules on the “future” tab of the schedules screen. The schedules that they are actually assigned to as the supervisor will appear on the “current” screen. Supervisors will be able to edit/submit/approve any schedule as though it was assigned to them. This includes the ability to add notes and photos. It’s perfect for roaming supervisors who visit several jobsites, even if they aren’t the assigned approver for the foremen’s data from each site.
Link Detection in Work Descriptions
This is awesome! Shout out to David Johnson from Skyline Scaffold for the idea. Now the work description in each schedule can contain tappable links, email addresses, and phone numbers. This could be used in so many creative and practical ways!
Jobs Tab on iPad Split into Two Tabs
We’ve changed the iPad interface to match the iPhone and Android interface. Time assignment and production are no longer combined onto one tab. This provides a more consistent experience across devices, and also allows room for future features we have planned.

Import Photos
You can now import photos from your device’s photo library. So if you need to snap a quick photo and add it to CrewTracks later, go for it! Also, bonus: whenever possible, the photo will retain the timestamp from when it was taken.

“Add Job” button
An “Add Job” button has been added to the bottom of Equipment, Materials, and Time Assignment tabs on iPhone, and to the bottom of the notes & photos tab on iPhone and iPad. This will save you a couple taps if you get to one of these sections and realize you need to add a job/phase to your schedule. See above photo.
Signature For Time
When clocking out, employees are asked “Were you injured” and then sign out. The signature space will now show the total hours worked, so each person can sign not only to confirm their injury status, but also the number of hours worked.

Schedule Date More Visible
In the past, once you found the schedule you needed and tapped “Work On Schedule” or “Review Schedule,” you couldn’t see the date of the schedule you were viewing. Now the schedule’s date and ID show up on the iPhone side menu or the iPad user dropdown menu.

GPS Updates
*NOTE* Most organizations new default GPS tracking setting is “clock in/out only.” If you would prefer continuous GPS tracking, please continue reading for details.
We have improved GPS tracking on iOS. It has a slightly higher battery demand, so we have changed most organizations’ tracking default to “clock in/out only” just in case some older devices wouldn’t tolerate the additional battery usage. If you’d like to opt back in to continuous GPS tracking, just go to Setup > Organization Settings and select a new “Default GPS Tracking” option. Remember that you can also change GPS tracking per user by going to Setup > Users and then clicking “edit” on the user you’d like to edit.